CYIA™ Training Camp Was a Sucess

During the last week of May Tennessee’s annual Christian Youth in Action™ training camp was held at the Linden Valley Baptist Conference Center. This year’s camp hosted 84 teens from many cultural backgrounds who are willingly giving their time this summer to serve the Lord. While at camp students learned the effective ways that CEF® (Child Evangelism Fellowship®) shares the Gospel through Bible lessons, missionary stories, scripture songs, and prayer teaching. This training equips our teen volunteers to go out and share the Good News all summer at 5-Day Clubs ®.  

The theme for the 5-day Clubs this year is “One Way” and features lessons about how God is the One Way to find peace, faith, hope, and salvation in Jesus Christ. Throughout the camp experience teens attended several classes daily and had formal chapel service nightly. In addition, they were presented with many opportunities to share their testimonies.  

At the close of camp, students attended a commissioning service in their honor and as a show of appreciation for their dedication to learning the curriculum for this year’s 5-Day Clubs. Parents and leaders joined together to pray over the students before they embarked home to serve as summer missionaries for CEF in Tennessee.  

The two volunteers for our chapter Gebe and Autumn participated throughout camp with their whole hearts and are now prepared to share the Gospel as a team across 4 counties in the Greater Jackson Area.  

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