
Jeff Steps Up

Jeff who? Jeff Nichols… of course! He is our state director, well for now. You see, our awesome state director will soon be transitioning to the position of CEF USA Ministries Director. How cool is that? Our very own Tennessee guy is about to take on the task of leading the whole United States. WOW… when I write that out on the page, it hits me of how big a deal that really is.

For those of us who are local chapter directors and other paid staff members in Tennessee, this is bittersweet. You see, we love Jeff and appreciate how hard he has worked to advance CEF ministries within our state. We also appreciate his pastor’s heart in how he approaches ministry and people. I can honestly say that Jeff has a gentle and compassionate spirit -and- he is invested in the larger CEF ministry vision to reach Every Child, Every Nation, Every Day. He has experienced our ministry from top to bottom, so to speak. Jeff helped serve in Good News Clubs before he became a paid staff member and leader of our state. His church, Donnelson Fellowship, had multiple Good News Clubs if memory serves me.

CEF leadership, if you are reading this little article from within headquarters in Warrenton, MO… well, you made a good choice. I have witnessed Jeff’s work ethic and his ability to deal with difficult and pleasant situations. Jeff is level-headed and from my experience, just. I am confident that our loss will be gain for the country and all the state leaders who he interacts with. May the Lord use this transition to help USA Ministries. Pray for Jeff as he makes this move. He will need a LOT of traveling mercies and supernatural wisdom to pastor the leadership that helps guide the direction of CEF in the United States of America, amen.

Ok, to wrap up, here are a few photos taken at a recent gathering of directors in Tennessee to show Jeff some appreciation for his work here. Jeff, God bless you my brother and safe travels.

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