Join us on June 24th for a Powerful Event

Dr. Ming Wang is a world-renowned eye surgeon with such a powerful Christian testimony that two movies have been made and two books have been written about him. Dr. Wang will share his testimony in Jackson, Saturday June 24, 2023.
Hosted by CEF of Greater Jackson, Dr. Wang’s exciting testimony will be held at Poplar Heights Baptist Church, 1980 Hollywood Dr., Jackson at 6:00 p.m.
Dr. Wang will talk about growing-up in China during the Cultural Revolution, then coming to America in 1974 at 14 years old with $50 and a dream of freedom. He eventually earned two doctorate degrees from Harvard and MIT.
However, Dr. Wang struggled to understand how evolution could account for the complexity of the human eye. “One of my professors opened a window to the Lord in my heart, and I began to understand there is a Creator for everything, so I became a Christian,” Wang says. His conversion is recounted in the movie “God’s Not Dead,” but will be the focus of a new film this fall entitled, “Sight,” co-starring Greg Kennear, and based on Wang’s autobiography, “From Darkness to Sight.”
“We are so excited to bring Dr. Wang’s powerful testimony to West Tennessee,” said Randy Nicholas, CEF executive director. “His testimony to the power of Jesus Christ to change lives is the same power we share everyday with boys and girls in Bible Clubs in schools, community centers, and neighborhoods throughout our area.”
The event will be free and open to the public. Donations to support the ministry of CEF will be received.
Learn more about Dr. Wang here:
Scan the QR code below to watch the movie trailer.